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Chiclets (2 pcs)

Product of Mexico.

Air Heads

15-16 g.

Big League Chew

60 g.

Coca Cola Tic Tac

98 g.

Exclusive Mentos - Orange Fanta

37 g. Product of the UK.

Hi-Chew Singles (8 pcs)

Individually wrapped - assorted flavours. Picked at random.

Laffy Taffy

42,5 g.

Mamba Fruit Chew

79 g.

Nerds Ropes

26 g.

PEZ Candy Dispenser

Pez Candy Refill

Sweetarts Chewy Extreme Sour

46,8 g roll.

Twizzlers Orange Cream Pop

311 g.

Warheads Super Sour Spray

20 ml.

efruitty Gummy Candy

9-15 g.